

All classes are offered at your location:

Our CPR Classes are at a location that is convenient to you or your business. We come to your location:

Heart Bullet


Heart Bullet


Heart Bullet


Heart Bullet

Daycare Centers

Heart Bullet

Conference Rooms

Heart Bullet


Heart Bullet

Recreation Centers

Heart Bullet


Not only do we come to your location but we provide convenient days and times.

Our classes are available Monday to Saturday from


7:00 am to 7:00 pm

office hours 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

​(additional days/times available by request)

Heart Bullet
Flexible hours: To schedule your Class, (of 3 or more participants) please contact us via email at [email protected] or call (623) 225.7545
Heart Bullet

Minimum of 3 participants required, maximum of 20 per class (additional fee for less than 3 participants)


We know how busy everyone’s schedules can be. That’s why we make it easier by going to a location of your choice. Whether that be at a work location, home, library, etc., we have you covered. We have convenient times so that you can find what will fit your schedule the best.
Heart Bullet

Convenient Locations

Heart Bullet

Classes Monday - Saturday

Heart Bullet

Flexible Hours